The primary purpose of a business energy audit or commercial energy audit is to evaluate the energy consumption of commercial facilities or small business locations and make recommendations to eliminate wasted energy and lower monthly energy costs.


In most corporate settings, upgrades to a facility’s energy infrastructure must compete for capital funding with non-energy-related investments. Increased energy costs and new tax credits from cities and the federal government are enabling small business owners to affordably update their commercial facilites and reduce their monthly energy costs.


EAI specializes in “Comprehensive Commercial Energy Audit” training which focuses on lighting changes, major energy consuming systems, and water usage as these are the easiest areas for business owners to upgrade and provide the fastest return on their energy efficiency spending. The average savings shown from an EAI Energy Audit is approxiately 30%.


There are over 5 million small businesses in the US that are currently in need of an energy audit. Since other training companies like RESNET only provide energy audit training for houses, this is an uptapped market that you will be able to easily capitalize on. You can also earn a substaintail income doing commercial energy audits because you will be able to charge 2x or 3x times more per inspection with little or no competition versus only charging about $100 per inspection in the residential energy audit marketplace.

Over 5 Million Business Owners Need Your Help

Imagine a business opportunity with thousands of potential clients just waiting to be helped. By becoming the first Energy Auditor in your city, community, or neighborhood you have exclusive access to thousands of small and medium business owners who are seeking your services. Here are some sample US markets waiting to be tapped:

City Name – Small Businesses Needing Energy Audits

New York – 649,717
Chicago – 176,605
Dallas – 107,337
San Francisco – 90,599

Los Angeles – 341,117
Houston – 173,651
San Diego – 97,832
Phoenix – 89,253

All data – U.S. Census. Data only includes the immediate city,
so all suburbs and outlying communities are not represented

Commercial Energy Audit Training

The EAI Commercial Energy Audit Training Program will teach you how to conduct a detailed small business facility energy audit. You will learn to identify the common energy wasting areas of a business. You will also learn more in-depth energy conservation techniques to enable you to provide your clients with the maximum in energy savings insight.


In addition to the training program, you will also receive the Commercial Energy Auditor Certification exam and all the tools and resources you need to go out and start your new energy audit business as soon as you graduate.


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