There is a lot of confusion when it comes to which companies certifications are “recognized” or “approved” in the industry. Many people that are new to energy auditing come in believing that only a RESNET or BPI certification is “recognized” and therefore a certification from an independent company like the Energy Audit Institute is not “recognized.”

This just simply isn’t the case. An energy auditor certification from the Energy Audit Institute is “recognized” nationwide and enables you to offer your clients an energy audit in all 50 states. While the Energy Audit Institute is not directly affiliated with U.S. government the way RESNET and BPI are, our training programs are based on the exact same Dept of Energy standards and effectively teach the same materials with the exception of equipment training (which you receive free of charge from the manufacturers anyway – just look at for an example).

The important thing to remember with any certification is who “recognizes” it. The most important person in the equation is your client. Just by having a certification that you can show is what helps the homeowner or business owner determine if you are somebody they can trust and that you can save them money on their energy bills. Having an EAI certification takes care of that for you. Note: If you are NOT looking to work for yourself or wish to conduct energy audits for a state orgovernment entity – they may require you to have a RESNET or BPI certification due to their affiliation. While not a constant requirement – you should still look into it before choosing your training provider.

Energy Audit Training Without the Classroom

What makes EAI unique is our home based training approach. Unlike other training programs, we offer ahome based training program that allows you to learn at your own pace. There is no need to travel to a training facility, dedicate a block of time for online training, or change your current schedule in any way. You will receive all the same Dept of Energy standard energy audit training you would in a classroom but at a substantial savings! The total amount of study time for most of our graduates is about 12 – 18 hours. Then the online testing takes an additional 1-2 hours to complete. So in about 2 weeks studying part-time from home you can be a fully certified energy auditing with your own business.

Online Testing Using the Virtual Proctor

The Energy Audit Institute testing center is very easy to use. It features a “Virtual Proctor” that lets you sit for the exam the same way you would for any other professional exam. All you need to do is login to the testing center using your personal login / password. The Virtual Proctor timer located on the top right of your screen shows you how much time you have remaining. Simply complete the multiple choice exam within the time allotted and receive your score immediately. In addition, you get instant results as soon as you complete your exam. You will receive a follow-up email with your results so you can see what you missed and you can apply that to your overall learning experience. As a final step, you will receive a professional certification (looks like a diploma or degree and is printed on parchment paper) in the mail in about 5 – 7 business days. The training program is not only unique in nature, but it delivers exactly what you need to be successful. With the training and certifications from the Energy Audit Institute you can actually be in business for yourself making a lucrative income in about 2 weeks for less than $300. Compared to other training programs in the marketplace, nobody gives you so much for such a low price.


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